Look through the forms available below to see if you can find something to assist you in your inquiry.

– We look forward to hearing from you!

Give us a call if we can help with any questions: 804-932-3333

Feel free to download any of the documents below by simply clicking on their icon.

Application for Admission

“Screening and Application for Admission” – Cornerstone Support Services Screening Procedure and Application for Admission

Cornerstone Frequent Shopper

Feel free to download and print out our “Cornerstone Frequent Shopper” card. Get discounts on future purchases. You may also pick one up at the counter of either of our thrift stores during your next purchase.

American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

AAIDD is the oldest, largest, and most influential membership organization concerned with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

The Arc of Virginia

The Arc of Virginia is the state chapter of The Arc of the United States and is comprised of 23 local chapters across the Commonwealth.  Nationally, The Arc is the largest community-based organization advocating for and with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and serving them and their families. 

Colonial Behavioral Health

The mission of Colonial Behavioral Health, the local Community Services Board, is to facilitate opportunities for recovery, resiliency and wellness to individuals and families affected by mental illness, intellectual disabilities and substance use disorders.

Disability Law Center of Virginia

DLCV services include information and referral, legal representation, technical assistance, short-term assistance, systemic advocacy, monitoring and training.  Their services are provided free of charge and are independent from state and local government. 

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services of Virginia

Cornerstone is licensed and regulated by DBHDS and works closely with the Licensing department as the Human Rights Department.

Department of Medicaid Services of Virginia

Cornerstone has a provider agreement through DMAS that ensures ongoing full compliance to be able to bill for services rendered.

Home and Community Based Services

Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) are types of person-centered care delivered in the home and community. A variety of health and human services can be provided. HCBS programs address the needs of people with functional limitations who need assistance with everyday activities, like getting dressed or bathing.

The Association of Resale Professionals

NARTS, The Association of Resale Professionals, is the world’s largest trade association representing the resale industry. We are in business to help resale store owners, managers and future owners succeed. NARTS is committed to raising awareness of the industry and to providing its members with professional development, educational opportunities and peer-to-peer networking.

Virginia Network of Private Providers

Cornerstone is a proud member of VNPP (Virginia Network of Private Providers). Their mission is to strengthen the system of services for individuals with behavioral health issues.