Residential Services take place in a home that is operated by Cornerstone. The homes are beautifully decorated and situated in desirable neighborhoods and communities.

Typically, 3 or 4 people with intellectual disabilities share the home.
Cornerstone provides around the clock support.
Direct Support Professionals
DSPs are the direct support professionals who staff the home. They are employed and trained by Cornerstone to provide a structured program of care that is designed to meet a person's physical and emotional needs.
The services that Direct Support Professionals provide include life skills development, guidance, assistance, training, protection and supervision.
Residential Services enable an individual to develop daily lifestyle skills while remaining safely at home under supervised care.

Please contact us if you would like to schedule a tour or would like additional information. 804-932-3333 - We look forward to hearing from you!
Cornerstone emphasizes a person-centered approach that empowers and supports each individual while developing his or her own lifestyle.
Cornerstone wants people who receive residential services to experience the following benefits:
- Health and Safety
- Ability to Manage Daily Activities and Pursue Personal Goals
- Respect and Dignity
- Community Involvement and Inclusion
- Personal Power and Choice
- Meaningful Days
- Good Relationships with Friends and Family
Development of functional skills related to personal care activities such as: ADLs, mobility, communication, household chores, food preparation, money management, shopping etc.

Development of functional skills related to the use of community resources such as: transportation, shopping, restaurants, social and recreational activities.

Development in adapting behavior for the community and home. For example, developing friendships, community memberships, volunteer opportunities, appropriateness in social encounters, etc. Assistance with personal care activities of daily living. Assistance with transportation. Specialized supervision to ensure health and safety.